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Nou Servef

Co-design Innovation Labs Participation

Nou Servef is participatory process for improving the Valencian Employment and Training Service, through the involvement of all the stakeholders it works with. Workshops, interviews and surveys are used to draw up a strategic document for the innovation of the entity which has more than 1,000 employees in the regions of Castelló, València and Alacant.

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Evaluation of the Petxina Superblock

Districts Participation

Qualitative and quantitative evaluation through 20 indicators to find out the changes that have been generated in the surroundings of the first superblock of Valencia. A methodology is created to periodically evaluate and detect opportunities for improvement the implementation of future superblocks in the city. Using different tools and a participatory approach, the information obtained talks about the effects generated by the superblock related to: environmental quality, public space, mobility, local commerce, socio-economic conditions and the level of satisfaction.


Labora’s Youth Participation Toolkit


Design of a toolkit which facilitates coordination between LABORA services with Employment Guidance in educational centres. To reach the main goal of introducing young people to employment and formatiom, the toolkit uses gamification techniques. The kit allows students to work in an explorative and participative way on aspects related to the field of employment, rather than common talk about the employment guidance service.


The project is part of the Integral Plan Avalem Joves 2021-2024, which is based on the continuous communication to the target (young people) in order to understand their needs and make employment policies more accurate, effective and efficient.


Festival elDiario.es

Participation Spaces

A set of pieces of furniture and participatory devices to: collect citizens’ views on the reliability of data, commitment to the truth and rigorous journalism. They were designed together with Makea for the 10th anniversary festival of the digital newspaper elDiario.es. celebrated in the plaza del Ayuntamiento de València.

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From the map

Participation Stories

The workshop seeks to explore the city through the personal stories of those who share a place on the map: Valencia. This exchange allows us to bring together personal experiences, to discover our interdependence and to learn from the territory we inhabit. This participatory workshop is part of the 8th edition of Arquia Próxima. In the documentary that summarizes the festival, the worked map can be viewed and complemented with the stories of the people involved in it.


Habita La Torre

Districts Participation

A citizen participatio process, promoted by Entitat Valenciana d’Habitatge i Sòl (Valencian Housing and Land Development Agency), that provides opportunities through collective dialogue to find needs and build solutions in the village of La Torre.

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Participatory budgeting

Districts Participation

We designed and promoted the first edition of Participatory Budgeting with the Department of Participation of Benigànim Town Council. Based on methodologies applied in other cities, we designed a participatory process adapted to the reality of a municipality of 6,000 inhabitants.

After a public presentation, 34 proposals were collected, assessed and validated by the municipal technical team. Using an online platform, a voting process was opened and the 3 winning proposals were chosen.


Orriols Crea

Labs Participation

Civic Lab for co-creating citizen projects in the neighbourhood of Orriols, Valencia. Orriols Crea supports the community with the coordination, visibility, communication and dissemination of existing projects and facilitates the generation of new collective proposals. Through collaborative work methodologies, a roadmap is drawn up for each project, which allows them to work independently.

Project promoted by the Orriols Convive association.



Participation Stories

Installation for the promotion of Monitor, a platform that provides real-time data and evaluations on the state of citizen freedoms in 196 countries.

Faced with the challenge of making a detachable device that could travel and fit in a suitcase, we designed a structure and panels in which, using texts, audios and interactive information, the different degrees of citizen freedoms are experienced.


Històries Tres Forques


Participatory process for the recovery of the collective memory of the neighbourhoods of Tres Forques-Vara de Quart (Valencia). The project is based on meetings to create a documentary archive with photographic, cartographic, narrative and audiovisual material. Once the different participatory sessions have been held, an exhibition is presented in which the work carried out collaboratively by more than 30 organisations in the area is shown.

Promoted by the Tres Forques Cultural and Neighbourhood Association.




Process of activation of the building annexed to the Real monasterio de la Trinidad (Valencia) after a period of inactivity. Colector’s programme is designed, coordinated and managed together with a large community, in order to turn it into a collaborative and innovative space open to the city.

Over the course of more than a year, Colector hosts artists’ residencies, talks, exhibitions and workshops, as well as a permanent space for collaborative work. The result is the activation and positioning of the place as a reference point for emerging culture in the city.


Housing Innovation


Since 2018, we have been participating in the Housing Innovation subject of La Càtedra Habitatge, with the aim of bringing ETSA-UPV students closer to the projects we carry out at Carpe in terms of participation and collective housing. In addition to exchanging experiences and concerns, the session is an opportunity to prepare for the field visits and to get a closer look at the needs of the people who live in the social housing buildings that are the subject of the course.


Open network Castellón

Districts Participation

A space where citizens and City Council collaborate in collective projects that transform the city and make it more open, collaborative and sustainable. Over 2 years, a collaborative diagnosis for El Grau Castelló, a co-design process for the Josefina López square and a study for the activation of civic spaces were developed.

In collaboration with Adriana García and Laura Murillo.


Active Orriols

Districts Participation

A Integral Participatory Strategy for the identification of future challenges for the Orriols neighbourhood, Valencia. During six months and across three thematic areas (housing, public space and employment and commerce), we worked collectively to define actions that emerge from the needs of the neighbourhood and that are focused on improving the quality of life in the neighbourhood. As a result, a document is drawn up to collect the participatory inputs and to arrange strategic action lines from an comprehensive vision.

Promoted by València City Council and developed in collaboration with Nuria Matarredona, Víctor Soriano, Joan Sanchis and Marta Vela.


Ciudad Sensible. Infrastructure for participation

Participation Stories

“Ciudad Sensible: infraestructura para la participación” gathers the knowledge acquired during the sessions held in Orriols (Valencia) and which introduced the Sembra Orriols process that culminated with the inauguration of the Sant Jeroni square in 2018.

The publication was awarded as a finalist in the Dissemination category of the XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism.

In collaboration with ContextoArquitectura and published by UPV editorial.


Civic Factory Fest


The purpose of this month-long festival is to activate an underused America’s Cup base located in La Marina de València and to generate proposals in a collaborative way between the different stakeholders addressed to the city: educational centres, companies, citizens and institutions.

The project won the Valencia City Council Social Innovation Award (2017), and it is the driving force behind the Civic Factory concept, created by Civicwise.

Promoted by Civicwise in collaboration with La Marina de València.



Participation Stories

One of the 5 thematic routes of the travelling embassy Biziz, carried out within the framework of the European Capital of Culture 2016 of Donostia-San Sebastián.

Under the slogan “The collective construction of the city”, cultural and social initiatives are interviewed, maped, recorded and made them visible to look the city on a human scale. The route goes through more than 64 cities in Spain and Portugal.

Project carried out in collaboration with Ainara Gebara, Carlos Giménez and Txita.


Pas a pas

Districts Participation

This project aims to incorporate the perspective of childhood in the city through different actions such as pedestrian school routes, pedagogical activities and urban actions. Pas a Pas works transversally with parents, schools, family associations, local shops and police, to generate a support network for the autonomy of children in the city.

Promoted by the Town Council of Xàbia and implemented by a technical team formed in different phases by Chema Segovia, Tano Espinosa, Irene Reig, Toni Moya, Maje Reig, Mónica Martín, Ramon Marrades, Natalia Castellanos, Joan Sanchis and Marina Senabre. Award from the Conselleria de Territori in the first edition of the Housing, Urban Planning and Mobility with a Gender Perspective awards.


Xarranca Rec – Tejetejo


Xarranca or Tejo are the Catalan and Alicante variants of hopscotch, the traditional game that consists of playing ten squares by jumping alternately with one or both feet. This project includes two interventions carried out in the summer of 2014 in the cities of Igualada and Villena.

meto Innovación Ciudadana metodologías colaborativas metodologías colaborativas Co-diseño
metodologías colaborativas Laboratorios Ciudadanos metodologías colaborativas Innovación
Participación Ciudadana Participación ciudadana Participación
Vivienda cooperativa Vivienda Colectiva Co-diseño Vivienda cooperativa Vivienda cooperativa Co-diseño
Co-diseño Co-diseño Co-diseño Co-diseño
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana Joven Participación Urbana metodologías colaborativas
Innovación Urbana
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana Participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana
Participación ciudadana
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana
metodologías colaborativas - vivienda colectiva
Diseño Colaborativo
Co-diseño Co-diseño
Metodologías Colaborativas
Diseño Colaborativo
Innovación ciudadana
Laboratorios Cuidadanos