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From the map

Participation Stories

The workshop seeks to explore the city through the personal stories of those who share a place on the map: Valencia. This exchange allows us to bring together personal experiences, to discover our interdependence and to learn from the territory we inhabit. This participatory workshop is part of the 8th edition of Arquia Próxima. In the documentary that summarizes the festival, the worked map can be viewed and complemented with the stories of the people involved in it.


Vides Creuades

Districts Stories

A platform to collect and connect citizen stories linked to places in the districts. These places are discovered using a methodology that works in circles of trust and are the pretext for thinking together about urban actions.

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Participation Stories

Installation for the promotion of Monitor, a platform that provides real-time data and evaluations on the state of citizen freedoms in 196 countries.

Faced with the challenge of making a detachable device that could travel and fit in a suitcase, we designed a structure and panels in which, using texts, audios and interactive information, the different degrees of citizen freedoms are experienced.


Civic Design Book

Co-design Stories

This publication shows new ways of doing and thinking in which citizens play a leading role in the promotion of transformative actions. It compiles projects, reflections and research that have been conducted around the Civic Design course since its first edition in 2015. A course promoted by the Civic Innovation School in which more than 500 people from almost 30 countries have participated.


Ciudad Sensible. Infrastructure for participation

Participation Stories

“Ciudad Sensible: infraestructura para la participación” gathers the knowledge acquired during the sessions held in Orriols (Valencia) and which introduced the Sembra Orriols process that culminated with the inauguration of the Sant Jeroni square in 2018.

The publication was awarded as a finalist in the Dissemination category of the XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism.

In collaboration with ContextoArquitectura and published by UPV editorial.



Participation Stories

One of the 5 thematic routes of the travelling embassy Biziz, carried out within the framework of the European Capital of Culture 2016 of Donostia-San Sebastián.

Under the slogan “The collective construction of the city”, cultural and social initiatives are interviewed, maped, recorded and made them visible to look the city on a human scale. The route goes through more than 64 cities in Spain and Portugal.

Project carried out in collaboration with Ainara Gebara, Carlos Giménez and Txita.

meto Innovación Ciudadana metodologías colaborativas metodologías colaborativas Co-diseño
metodologías colaborativas Laboratorios Ciudadanos metodologías colaborativas Innovación
Participación Ciudadana Participación ciudadana Participación
Vivienda cooperativa Vivienda Colectiva Co-diseño Vivienda cooperativa Vivienda cooperativa Co-diseño
Co-diseño Co-diseño Co-diseño Co-diseño
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana Joven Participación Urbana metodologías colaborativas
Innovación Urbana
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana Participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana
Participación ciudadana
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana
metodologías colaborativas - vivienda colectiva
Diseño Colaborativo
Metodologías Colaborativas
Diseño Colaborativo
Innovación ciudadana
Laboratorios Cuidadanos