
Fecha Título Categorías

Evaluation of the Petxina Superblock

Districts Participation

Qualitative and quantitative evaluation through 20 indicators to find out the changes that have been generated in the surroundings of the first superblock of Valencia. A methodology is created to periodically evaluate and detect opportunities for improvement the implementation of future superblocks in the city. Using different tools and a participatory approach, the information obtained talks about the effects generated by the superblock related to: environmental quality, public space, mobility, local commerce, socio-economic conditions and the level of satisfaction.



Districts Innovation

Urban planning instrument that takes the methodology of Ecological Urbanism, Life Cycle Analysis and Programming Applied to Design. It provides a guide to the cities that undertake the Climate Mission.

Plan.Cero is composed by a multidisciplinary team from the Universitat Politècnica de Valènica, Arqueha and Carpe. We assume the management and execution of the Citizen Participation and Innovation strategy that will ensure the social transfer and the civic engagement in the project.

Winning project of the call València Ciutat de la Innovació 2021.


Habita La Torre

Districts Participation

A citizen participatio process, promoted by Entitat Valenciana d’Habitatge i Sòl (Valencian Housing and Land Development Agency), that provides opportunities through collective dialogue to find needs and build solutions in the village of La Torre.

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La Masovera

Districts Innovation

La Masovera is a platform to connect people in order to facilitate masoveria projects (renovation exchange for rent). This platform offers different resources and services to facilitate the process of transferring the use of a property in exchange for its rehabilitation.

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Participatory budgeting

Districts Participation

We designed and promoted the first edition of Participatory Budgeting with the Department of Participation of Benigànim Town Council. Based on methodologies applied in other cities, we designed a participatory process adapted to the reality of a municipality of 6,000 inhabitants.

After a public presentation, 34 proposals were collected, assessed and validated by the municipal technical team. Using an online platform, a voting process was opened and the 3 winning proposals were chosen.


Ciudad Contexto

Districts Labs Training

A programme for discussion, experimentation and dissemination of innovative urban solutions. Through discussion, experimentation and dissemination activities, different sectors of society are connected about an urban topic.

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Vides Creuades

Districts Stories

A platform to collect and connect citizen stories linked to places in the districts. These places are discovered using a methodology that works in circles of trust and are the pretext for thinking together about urban actions.

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Co-designing a neighborhood

Co-design Districts Training

Training session held during the co-creation process for the eco-neighbourhood La Pinada in Paterna, Valencia.

Working with the project’s technical team and future neighbours, we share reflections that aims to collectively define the willed model of neighbourhood and its public space. Based on realistic and current examples, we show which factors are necessary to design a place that puts people, their lifestyles and needs at the centre of the design.


Open network Castellón

Districts Participation

A space where citizens and City Council collaborate in collective projects that transform the city and make it more open, collaborative and sustainable. Over 2 years, a collaborative diagnosis for El Grau Castelló, a co-design process for the Josefina López square and a study for the activation of civic spaces were developed.

In collaboration with Adriana García and Laura Murillo.


Active Orriols

Districts Participation

A Integral Participatory Strategy for the identification of future challenges for the Orriols neighbourhood, Valencia. During six months and across three thematic areas (housing, public space and employment and commerce), we worked collectively to define actions that emerge from the needs of the neighbourhood and that are focused on improving the quality of life in the neighbourhood. As a result, a document is drawn up to collect the participatory inputs and to arrange strategic action lines from an comprehensive vision.

Promoted by València City Council and developed in collaboration with Nuria Matarredona, Víctor Soriano, Joan Sanchis and Marta Vela.


Pas a pas

Districts Participation

This project aims to incorporate the perspective of childhood in the city through different actions such as pedestrian school routes, pedagogical activities and urban actions. Pas a Pas works transversally with parents, schools, family associations, local shops and police, to generate a support network for the autonomy of children in the city.

Promoted by the Town Council of Xàbia and implemented by a technical team formed in different phases by Chema Segovia, Tano Espinosa, Irene Reig, Toni Moya, Maje Reig, Mónica Martín, Ramon Marrades, Natalia Castellanos, Joan Sanchis and Marina Senabre. Award from the Conselleria de Territori in the first edition of the Housing, Urban Planning and Mobility with a Gender Perspective awards.


Ciudad Sensible

Districts Labs Training

A conference for debating, creating and collective researching that comes from the need to explore new ways of making the city from a transdisciplinary perspective. A series of practical workshops, conferences and debates are held in which universities, professionals and citizens work together. In 2015, after two editions (2013 and 2014) at the ETSA-UPV, Ciudad Sensible is taking to the streets with ContextoArquitectura and Orriols Convive association with the aim of transferring knowledge directly to the city.

meto Innovación Ciudadana metodologías colaborativas metodologías colaborativas Co-diseño
metodologías colaborativas Laboratorios Ciudadanos metodologías colaborativas Innovación
Participación Ciudadana Participación ciudadana Participación
Vivienda cooperativa Vivienda Colectiva Co-diseño Vivienda cooperativa Vivienda cooperativa Co-diseño
Co-diseño Co-diseño Co-diseño Co-diseño
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana Joven Participación Urbana metodologías colaborativas
Innovación Urbana
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana Participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana
Participación ciudadana
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana
metodologías colaborativas - vivienda colectiva
Diseño Colaborativo
Co-diseño Co-diseño
Metodologías Colaborativas
Diseño Colaborativo
Innovación ciudadana
Laboratorios Cuidadanos