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Estímul Base Viva

Co-design Innovation Participation

Program for the acceleration and consolidation of collaborative housing projects in the Valencian Community. A total of ten promoter groups are selected and accompanied throughout 2022. During this period, different training sessions are held and the situation and needs of each group are studied in order to carry out feasibility studies of properties and analysis of the economic and financial viability of the group, with the aim of providing them with tools and guiding them for their future development.


Developed in collaboration with FECOVI, Crearqció Coop. V. and El Rogle Coop. V.


Ciuta.Lab’s Facilitation Collaborative Production Workshop

Co-design Innovation Labs Participation

Ciuta-lab’s Collaborative Production Workshop is a space for co-creation oriented towards the prototyping of citizen projects. Carpe developed its dynamisation with the aim of bringing together diverse agents to collectively think of innovative solutions.

The different sessions were focused on collaboratively obtaining innovative solutions to address the challenges of the city’s Climate Mission, and its specific theme: the circular economy. A mediation methodology was designed and implemented for the sessions. The intervention ended with the delivery of a participation evaluation report.

In addition, the needs of the Collaborative Production Workshops were evaluated through the Civimetro methodology, which served to establish a basis on which to develop and implement the evaluation indicators for future calls.


Nou Servef

Co-design Innovation Labs Participation

Nou Servef is participatory process for improving the Valencian Employment and Training Service, through the involvement of all the stakeholders it works with. Workshops, interviews and surveys are used to draw up a strategic document for the innovation of the entity which has more than 1,000 employees in the regions of Castelló, València and Alacant.

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Co-designing Ciuta.Lab

Co-design Labs

Process of co-design of a Civic Lab from which to face the challenges of the city of Valencia. A space to bosst civic innovation, and at the same time, to take care of the people who design, manage and draw up proposals for improving their environment. Throughout different face-to-face and digital formats, we explore current civic labs models, incorporate their learning and co-design a specific-context Lab.

We involved people linked to community culture, social movements and neighbourhood projects. It has been developed with the support of Grigri Projects and OFIC.


Urban Resilience Dispositive


Dispositiu de Resiliència Urbana is a project of co-creation of two pergola-benches that respond to the need to provide shade and rest areas in the IES Benicalap schoolyard. The proposal won a prize in the Benicalap Més Verd collaborative green ideas competition.

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Skatepark La Marina


Marjal Urbana is the winning proposal of the projects competition for the skatepark in Plaça de l’Ona (La Marina de València). It was born from the idea of replicating the concept of Marjal, understood as an intermediate area between the urbanised territory and the sea. Marjal is the Valencian term used to define a wetland area, close to the sea, with great natural wealth.

Together with the project’s drafting team formed by Straddle 3, Eulia and Sergi Arenas, several co-design workshops are held where the city’s skater community contributes, from their experience, to perfect the final design.


Co-designing a neighborhood

Co-design Districts Training

Training session held during the co-creation process for the eco-neighbourhood La Pinada in Paterna, Valencia.

Working with the project’s technical team and future neighbours, we share reflections that aims to collectively define the willed model of neighbourhood and its public space. Based on realistic and current examples, we show which factors are necessary to design a place that puts people, their lifestyles and needs at the centre of the design.


Civic Design Book

Co-design Stories

This publication shows new ways of doing and thinking in which citizens play a leading role in the promotion of transformative actions. It compiles projects, reflections and research that have been conducted around the Civic Design course since its first edition in 2015. A course promoted by the Civic Innovation School in which more than 500 people from almost 30 countries have participated.


Sembra Orriols: co-designing a square


Co-design process to transform a plot of land into a square for the residents of Orriols, Valencia. Through a diverse participatory activities, a project is designed for the space that is now the heart of the neighbourhood.

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meto Innovación Ciudadana metodologías colaborativas metodologías colaborativas Co-diseño
metodologías colaborativas Laboratorios Ciudadanos metodologías colaborativas Innovación
Participación Ciudadana Participación ciudadana Participación
Vivienda cooperativa Vivienda Colectiva Co-diseño Vivienda cooperativa Vivienda cooperativa Co-diseño
Co-diseño Co-diseño Co-diseño Co-diseño
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana Joven Participación Urbana metodologías colaborativas
Innovación Urbana
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana Participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana
Participación ciudadana
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana
metodologías colaborativas - vivienda colectiva
Diseño Colaborativo
Co-diseño Co-diseño
Metodologías Colaborativas
Diseño Colaborativo
Innovación ciudadana
Laboratorios Cuidadanos