Urban Resilience Dispositive

2020 - 2021
Benicalap, Valencia

A school community involved in the design, care and construction of two pieces of outdoor furniture.

Dispositiu de Resiliència Urbana is a project of co-creation of two pergola-benches that respond to the need to provide shade and rest areas in the IES Benicalap schoolyard.

The result of the process of co-design, co-construction and care shared with the whole educational community are two wooden modules that include fixed elements and vegetation. These benches generate shade, incorporate new species to the biodiversity of the schoolyard and expand the resting areas.

The co-creation process was divided into four phases:

  • analysis of the community needs
  • co-design of the modules
  • co-construction of the pieces of furniture
  • vegetation planting

The co-design and co-construction phases were developed with the students of the Fallas Artist Vocational Training Degree. At the same time, the construction was supervised by the Department of Public Education to validate the design and its installation in the schoolyard.

The materials and components were provided by the Gremio de Artistas Falleros (Fallas Artists Association) and its cooperative, in order to avoid commercial solutions and to support the local resources and its community.

We handled the following tasks
  • Ideation: Research and context
  • Coordination: Process design
  • Facilitation: Co-creation dynamics
  • Production and installation
  • Evaluation
Project data
  • 36 m2 of shade
  • 12 linear metres of space
  • 18 plant species
  • more than 100 people involved
In partnership with
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