

A guide for evaluation of civic labs.

Civímetro is a response to a need: to make visible the changes produced by Citizen Innovation. By evaluating this kind of projects, Civimetro provides insights to understand why civic labs have been successful, which aspects have been worked good and which ones should be improved.

Evaluation processes are often complex for non-experts. That is why Civímetro is presented as a guide that supports these processes. Through 7 simple steps, Civímetro facilitates the implementation of a complete Evaluation Plan: from the definition of goals, to the field work and the drawing of conclusions.

 Civímetro can be adapted to the realities of Civic Innovation initiatives, to their wide diversity in terms of size, topics and contexts. It focuses on the collaborative, inclusive and open dynamics inherent to all these initiatives.

It provides a specific methodological framework for Civic Innovation, which is adaptable to a wide range of contexts.

The guide is available on the project’s website and is open access. It has been applied in Medialab Prado (Madrid), Medialab Tabakalera (Donostia-San Sebastián), Mestura Puerto (Fuerteventura) and in the Learning and Practice Communities of BBK Kuna (Bilbao).

We handled the following tasks
  • Ideation: Research and context
  • Coordination: Process design
  • Facilitation: Co-creation dynamics
  • Production and implementation
  • Evaluation


Project data
  • 1 practical guide
  • more than 40 people involved in its development
  • 4 practical implementations
  • 7 evaluation aspects
Promoted by
Coordinated with
With the support of

Nora González Dwyer

Graphic identity

Estudio Menta


Designscapes “Design-Enabled Innovation in Urban Environments” in its Phase II: prototyping and Phase III: replicability.


Third place in the 1st Public Policy Evaluation Project Awards. Awarded by Avalua-lab (Las Naves, Valencia).

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