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Nou Servef

Co-design Innovation Labs Participation

Nou Servef is participatory process for improving the Valencian Employment and Training Service, through the involvement of all the stakeholders it works with. Workshops, interviews and surveys are used to draw up a strategic document for the innovation of the entity which has more than 1,000 employees in the regions of Castelló, València and Alacant.

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Concomitentes Assessment

Innovation Labs

Assessment for the decision-making process of Concomitentes, an organisation that promotes the creation of artworks and mediates between civil society, which commissions them, and the artists, who produce them. The process is based on the fact of thinking, which gathers, organises and relates the diversity of views on the project in relation to its main challenges. In order to facilitate decision-making, 4 main challenges are identified, their strengths and challenges, as well as the basic needs to face. A short term roadmap is proposed which, together with a canvas, organises the decision-making process and facilitates the transformation of the organisation.


In collaboration with Pascual Pérez and Juan López-Aranguren.


Co-designing Ciuta.Lab

Co-design Labs

Process of co-design of a Civic Lab from which to face the challenges of the city of Valencia. A space to bosst civic innovation, and at the same time, to take care of the people who design, manage and draw up proposals for improving their environment. Throughout different face-to-face and digital formats, we explore current civic labs models, incorporate their learning and co-design a specific-context Lab.

We involved people linked to community culture, social movements and neighbourhood projects. It has been developed with the support of Grigri Projects and OFIC.


Orriols Crea

Labs Participation

Civic Lab for co-creating citizen projects in the neighbourhood of Orriols, Valencia. Orriols Crea supports the community with the coordination, visibility, communication and dissemination of existing projects and facilitates the generation of new collective proposals. Through collaborative work methodologies, a roadmap is drawn up for each project, which allows them to work independently.

Project promoted by the Orriols Convive association.


Ciudad Contexto

Districts Labs Training

A programme for discussion, experimentation and dissemination of innovative urban solutions. Through discussion, experimentation and dissemination activities, different sectors of society are connected about an urban topic.

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Innovation Labs

A guide for evaluation of civic labs. Through 7 simple steps, Civímetro facilitates the implementation of a complete Evaluation Plan: from the definition of goals, to the field work and the drawing up of conclusions. Its methodology has been tested in different Civic Labs.

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Ciudad Sensible

Districts Labs Training

A conference for debating, creating and collective researching that comes from the need to explore new ways of making the city from a transdisciplinary perspective. A series of practical workshops, conferences and debates are held in which universities, professionals and citizens work together. In 2015, after two editions (2013 and 2014) at the ETSA-UPV, Ciudad Sensible is taking to the streets with ContextoArquitectura and Orriols Convive association with the aim of transferring knowledge directly to the city.

meto Innovación Ciudadana metodologías colaborativas metodologías colaborativas Co-diseño
metodologías colaborativas Laboratorios Ciudadanos metodologías colaborativas Innovación
Participación Ciudadana Participación ciudadana Participación
Vivienda cooperativa Vivienda Colectiva Co-diseño Vivienda cooperativa Vivienda cooperativa Co-diseño
Co-diseño Co-diseño Co-diseño Co-diseño
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana Joven Participación Urbana metodologías colaborativas
Innovación Urbana
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana Participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana
Participación ciudadana
participación ciudadana participación ciudadana participación ciudadana
metodologías colaborativas - vivienda colectiva
Diseño Colaborativo
Co-diseño Co-diseño
Metodologías Colaborativas
Diseño Colaborativo
Innovación ciudadana
Laboratorios Cuidadanos