Ciudad Contexto


A programme for discussion, experimentation and dissemination of innovative urban solutions.

Ciudad Contexto is the place where intellectual, social and experiential potential of all citizens can be connected to design creative, innovative and inclusive solutions for their environment.

Through a cyclic programme, activities are proposed in three interconnected formats:

– Ciudad Estudio. A place for debating, where specialists discuss urban issues and set the challenges to influence and transform urban policy.

– Ciudad Laboratorio. A place for action, where people interested in a specific subject experiment through collaborative practice to generate tangible solutions for the city.

– Ciudad Diálogo. A place for dissemination, where the knowledge generated is brought to the public in an open, pedagogical and accessible way.

In 2020, the first edition of Ciudad Contexto was developed, with a focus on collective housing as a promoter of urban transformation. Developed entirely online, the edition works in Housing Equity with different activities: talks, hackathons, workshops, collective research, etc.

Ciudad Contexto is a project which is open to upcoming editions in which to work on new topics related to urban innovation.

We handled the following tasks
  • Ideation: Research and context
  • Coordination: Process design
  • Facilitation: Co-creation dynamics
  • Production and implementation
  • Evaluation
Project data
  • 3 interconnected innovation spaces
  • more than 100 participants
  • 6 days of collaborative work
  • 1 innovative theme: housing equity
  • 1 collective research
Coordination with

Piano Piano (María Grifo + Maria Donnini) and Silvia Puerto

Graphic Identity
  • Selected by Designscapes “Design-Enabled Innovation in Urban Environments” in its Phase II: prototyping.
  • Best innovation project for a shared city (Private Sector modality) in the VI Edition of the Missions València 2030 Social and Urban Innovation Awards.
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